Ever walk into a meeting and sense that something just wasn’t right? All you needed was a quick glance around the room to feel the energy. Arms crossed, toes tapping and nose scratching.
If 90% of our communication is non-verbal – and we’re in sales – that’s more than enough evidence to check-in on how we show up. And, what clues we give our audience. You don’t have to be in marketing to wonder what message you’re conveying. You’re communicating on a daily basis to prospects, your team, customers and even your family.
Get more sales with these body language tips:
Michael Michalowicz, author and business mentor who writes for American Express Open Forum, outlines best body language practices for selling in 7 Body Language Tips to Help You Sell. He says that body language can kill a deal. Slow down, practice the 3 C’s (be cool, calm and collected) and for heaven’s sakes, don’t touch your face, scratch your ears or rub your eyes. That could be a sign that you’re lying.
In this PositivityBlog article by Henrick Edberg, 18 Ways to Improve Your Body Language he tells us how to change up your presentation and show more confidence. If you’re in a conversation, mirror each other’s actions but not to the point of being weird, sit with a wider stance to look more comfortable, and lower your drink to hold it below your heart to look less guarded. It’s interesting that we guard the parts of our bodies where we fear the greatest harm.
And finally from Fast Company, The Surprising and Powerful Links Between Posture and Mood. Ever think about how our mind influences the way our body reacts and at the same time, the form of our body also triggers our mind? Power postures and more.
Learn body language and learn how to really read a room.